Sam’s Bible Journal June 10-16

Sam’s Bible Journal June 10-16

Title = Complete Joy

S- Scripture = Philippians 2:2 Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

O -Observation = The bible tells us what it takes for us to experience complete Joy. That is God’s joy that fills us up until it overflows out of us onto others.  This is an impartation the Holy Spirit gives us when we align our minds and hearts and our will on Christ’s love and example above all else. When we determine to put unity above our own needs and wants when there is a conflict or disagreement among believers. When we let the purpose of Christ come above our own needs. God says trust me in this and watch me make your Joy complete!

A – Application = Today I will make every effort to keep unity in the body of Christ. I will put the needs of others above my own, I will be intent on following God’s word above my own.

P – Prayer = Father, forgive me when I cause disunity for the sake of my own rights and feelings. Even when I am right in my way of thinking, I know Your ways are much higher. Today I ask You Holy Spirit to help me see Your ways and help me to understand Your thoughts. Remind me of Your Word when I make decisions and before I speak when there is conflict. Show me how to stay united in one purpose today with You Jesus!  Amen

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