08 Aug Christi’s Bible Journal August 6-12
John 10:1-14 “…the sheep hear His voice and He calls His own sheep BY NAME and leads them out…I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly…I am the good shepherd, and I know MY own and My own know Me.”
Jeremiah 1: 5-10 “…Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations…to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”
And Pastor Sam’s message from July 23 about the spirit within us communing with the Holy Spirit:
Be Still and LISTEN to the spirit within you! Hear the voice of the Shepherd calling you, He calls you by name and knows you and you know HIM! The Lord has called you since before you were born – he fashioned you and formed you in the womb and KNEW you. He chose you and appointed YOU to the calling He has for your life!
I read this morning in The Voice of God by Cindy Jacobs, regarding our responsibility to be right with the Lord. (Luke 12:48 – to whom much is given, much is required) and this involves listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying that voice. Cindy takes TIME each day to review her day and to ask the Lord, the Holy Spirit, to “show me where I have had a bad attitude or have been short with people, or where roots of selfishness or sin are present in my life. Often, I find myself calling and apologizing to someone who was the brunt of my being grumpy or distracted…This concerns the PURITY OF MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.” (page 43)
So this morning, I took the time to listen, specifically to the Holy Spirit to show me areas in my life where I have had a bad attitude or have been short with people…etc (see above) and guess what?!! God is soooo faithful to answer! He showed me areas in my life that I need to repent and to go to another and to ask forgiveness. I picked up the phone and made a phone call and apologized, just as Cindy modeled in her book. It was so simple, after all my worry about how silly that might seem to the other person. It was simple.
My conscience was clear.
I am pursing the purity of my relationship with God. I will make a habit of this daily to the best of my ability.
Listen, hear His voice. Know that God has called you to a specific something to bless someone. Be sensitive to His voice. Bless you all today!
Much Love, Christi
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