02 Jan New Year’s Reflections
I suppose a lot can be ascertained about one’s faith by considering how we view the year passing. Was it victorious? Was it a total loss? Does your faith look back at the year and say, I see God’s hand or does it either ignore it or that God even cared to show up?
Frankly, our capacity to go from “Woe is me” prayers to “What can we do Lord?” is a sign of maturity. In the same way, seeing past the heartache, hurt, betrayal, animosity and the rest and seeing Father God’s purposes reflects a life that goes from gloomy to grateful; from hapless to hopeful.
He did great things this year you know. Our God was powerful in 2016. He was there and in a HUGE way. Will you go into 2017 with a grateful heart prepared to do great and mighty things?
I know this last year has been a hard one from a personal standpoint. I know I’m not alone in this. But also it was a year of great victories in the Lord for friends, family the church family and me. PLUS the Cubs won the World Series!
I hope and yes pray that as you reflect on 2016 you remember those things that grew your faith and solidified your identity in Christ Jesus; that you do not see a whole year as a loss. By the way, the washing away of one year in the sand with a full view of the next is a tribute to last year as we press on to a year of occupying the land as The Kingdom of God in 2017.
May you see Jesus, high and lifted up in 2017. May it be a joyous, peace-filled and powerful year for us all!
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