Jason’s Bible Journal December 8-14

Jason’s Bible Journal December 8-14

1 Timothy 5:6
6 But she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives.

I believe Timothy is speaking about 2 things here, I believe God is speaking through Timothy to tell his Church ( The Church as Whole Church) And personally, if you don’t seek his will and seeking your own agenda your already dead while your still alive physically but, God gives us time to repent, to turn away from seeking our own way and own pleasures. Not to compromise and to follow him. But it also says in Mathew 6:33 First seek the kingdom of God and everything will be add unto you, you see without seeking him first in our lives we are dead, but once we receive him and lay down our own plans He will give us a better way to live and we can take His words from Timothy and Mathew and continue to seek him as live physically on earth I know as I continue to walk with Jesus it has been a beautiful even through the pain and mistakes and I know that without Jesus I would be dead I am so happy and joyful to know that I am alive in Christ and my old self is dead

Pastor Jason

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