Sam’s Bible Journal August 4-11

Sam’s Bible Journal August 4-11

You Know Who I am

Scripture – John 6:20 But Jesus called out to them, “Don’t be afraid, you know who I am”

Observation – Jesus tells us how to overcome fear, it is to know who he is! And once we know who he is , declare it over our fears. Specifically, Tell your soul who Jesus is , that He is the King of Kings and has all authority, that no one and/or nothing can take you out of his hands. Say the name of Jesus over whatever is causing you to be afraid right now. When we know who Jesus is, it is then that his perfect love will cast out all fears!

Application – I will keep declaring the name of Jesus, whenever I am afraid, I will trust in Jesus.

Prayer – Father God , in Jesus name I cast all my cares on you today, I remember what Jesus did on the cross for me and I let your perfect love cast out all my fears.
In Jesus name.

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