Christi’s Bible Journal Feb 19-25

Christi’s Bible Journal Feb 19-25

Mark 4: 30-32How shall we picture the kingdom?
It is like a mustard seed, which when sown upon the soil, though it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil, yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the birds of the air can rest under its shade.

Something so small – a mustard seed – can grow into something so big and beautiful and can provide rest and shade for others.

Share the Good News!  Share the Word of the Lord!  Tell everyone about the Kingdom of God! Salvation!  It’s a small thing at first, a simple belief, a simple “yes Lord” and then it grows and grows into a big beautiful plant that others can find rest under its shade.

I picture a small seed, then a little sprout, then a bigger sprout, then a tall shoot and multiples shoots growing tall into a plant with flowers beginning to blossom on the ends of the tall shoots. The kingdom of God grows within each of us.  It also grows with multiple people coming to believe.


Lord, please help us visualize this little seed that grows into a large plant to bless others.  Help me see that this is ME! Give me JOY at the seed within my heart that is growing.  Help me be rest and shade for others.  Help me share your kingdom message with others.

Bless you all today!  May you find JOY in the kingdom of God living within you today.
May you find JOY in sharing the kingdom with others!


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