30 Dec Nicole’s Bible Journal December 29 – January 4
Scripture Revelation 19:7&8
Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
As the year 2024 comes to a close, we are very appropriately reminded in the final chapters of Revelation that Jesus, the rider on the white horse who bears the title of Word of God, is coming for His bride and the wedding feast of the Lamb draws near. I am particularly drawn to Rev. 19:1-8 in which a song in heaven proclaims that the Lord Himself is taking care of the judging, avenging, and punishing (v.2) while the Bride is being prepared for the wedding as she is given finest white linen to wear, which represents the good deeds of God’s holy people. What a comfort we have that our Lord is fighting the battles for us as we prepare for His return. Let us remember that His sharp sword that comes from His mouth defeats “the entire army” (v.21) and that in the New Jerusalem to come, He himself will dwell among us that there should be no temple needed. As Revelation 22 ends, we are reminded that those who will harm will continue to harm and those who are holy and righteous will continue to be holy and righteous.
Lord of our heart, prepare us, your Bride and Body, so that we are worthy of wearing your purest white linen when you return for us. Give us your heart so that we can do more good deeds to all those we encounter as your holy people. Holy Spirit, please help us in 2025 and beyond to bear everlasting fruit that can only come from abiding in you, so that those who desperately seek value and meaning in their lives can see their true worth and walk in their true identities as they learn more about your grace, mercy and unconditional love.
In Jesus’ Name,
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