The Cause of Christ – a proper introduction to Jesus

The Cause of Christ – a proper introduction to Jesus

For so long the Church has made “presenting a case for Christ” the major way to share the gospel. This is usually done by some form of sharing the 4 spiritual laws or by sharing a personal testimony. While these approaches are not bad or wrong I believe they are becoming less effective as an initial introduction to Jesus.

The emerging generation is getting so flooded with information regarding a case for every religious view and belief. The case for Christ has gotten lost in it all and is not really being paid attention to by most young people. “My facts vs. your facts” arguments arise.

What is needed is for people to see the Cause of Christ in action: the hungry being fed, the disenfranchised being loved, the people that have been forgotten cared for, the sinners, the LBGT, those of other faith backgrounds, and those that feel very far from God Embraced by this Church. 

People need to see Jesus’ hands and feet in action in real tangible ways, outside the walls of the Church, doing and being what we have read about Jesus being and doing!

The Cause of Christ means Believers are engaged in doing what Jesus did and greater things because he has gone to the Father. This includes demonstrating his love in befriending, giving, feeding, sharing, healing, raising up people in Jesus’ name! Being his supernatural love in every way we read he was, while he demonstrated for us how we are to operate in the power of his Spirit.

And the Cause of Christ is doing these things not just in far away places but right in the cities and towns where we live. We the church must be about the Cause of Christ before we can ever be effective in presenting a case for Christ! It is the Cause of Christ being demonstrated that will draw people to Jesus.

And this is how we give Jesus a proper introduction to our lost world around us.

With Love 

Pastor Samuel

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